Welcome to Hedge Fund Investing. We will be covering all aspects of Hedge Funds from the legal issues to the investments involved. All types of Hedge Funds will be discussed: Short Funds, Macro Funds, Long/Short Funds, Arbitrage, Market Neutral and others.
Hedge Funds cannot be used in typical Retirement Plans like 401(k) Plans, 529 Plans, or 403(b) accounts. They are generally held in "Separate Accounts" for accredited investors only. In addition, Hedge Funds are not stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, or annuities, though they can be invested in one or more of those vehicles.
There is a lot of confusion in the Hedge Fund industry, and we will try to take the mystery out of the concept. Hedge Funds are not for everybody, but it is in your best interest to at least be educated on the basics of Hedge Funds. I found a great news site for financial news investment headlines.
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More to come.....
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